Friday, October 29, 2010

Chord Pirates Of Caribbean Theme Song

Tomas Garcia Fuste Program. The output is military.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Heat Throbing Painin Shoulder

The Palestinian. Evidence showing the training of ETA and FARC in Venezuela and participoacion in terrorist attacks.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Matchstick Models Diagrams

CONICET: Federal Infrastructure Plan watering scientific?

When in 2008 with great fanfare announced the Federal Plan for building scientific constructs a total of 50 buildings and a total of 402 million pesos, among others envisaged the construction of headquarters of four Centers of Science and Technology (CST): San Luis, Rosario, Tucumán and Córdoba.

Work on the four CCTs contemplated an expenditure of just over 124 million pesos for the construction of a total of 50,314 meters square , representing 31% of the total 402 million the estimated cost to build more than 137,000 meters square, with a cost of m Square average $ 2934.


The September 14) announced the opening of CONICET envelopes tender for the construction of the new building Center for Research in Earth Sciences (Cicterra) CST as part of Cordoba. It is not clear anywhere because work began construction of this center which is not in the breakdown of the 2008.

With a surface building of 1700 square meters , valued at 7 million pesos. estimates the work of CICTERRA start mid-November and end in May 2012.El m. constructed 4,117 square would pesos.

CST Córdoba

Córdoba The CCT comprises a total of 12 implementing units are distributed in different places of the city, among which is the CICTERRA ( Research Center Earth Sciences ).

The original project called "integrated" contemplated building on the campus of National University of Cordoba administrative offices, an amphitheater, a nursery room, cell culture, microscopy room, etc.

"works were postponed Cordoba CST prioritizes the construction of buildings devoted exclusively to research?

While it is difficult to answer our question in the title, it seems that the lack of budget, improvisation or a change at the last minute possible to conclude, based on all the invitations to bid / 09/15/2010): Institute of Applied Mathematics San Luis (IMASL, Materials Research Institute (INTEMA) and expansion of the Southern Center for Research (CADIC) , and previous calls this year and last, which has decided to prioritize the construction of new buildings alone executing units and leave for later or discarded construction projects the headquarters of the CCTs.

T res possible interpretations:

1) the Federal Plan was a hasty summation and improvised architectural projects for buildings scientists and CCTs, or

2) the lack of funds forced to change priorities

3) or regional pressures and / or changes mind at the university authorities and the CONICET, are creating havoc in the Plan.